Natural Overcalls of 1 NT

Bidding over 1NT Opening


  • Weak NT opener:
    • minimum range less than or equal to 13 HCPs
  • Strong NT opener:
    • minimum range greater than or equal to 14 HCPs


1NT2C/D/H/S 1 suited overcall
1NT2NT2 Minor suit overcall
1NT3C/D/H/S 1 suited preempt

Over Weak NT:

Overcaller Bids Description Value
OC:double semi-balanced with source of tricks 13+ HCPs (nominally)
OC:2C/D/H/S (5)6+ cards, good suit (10)13+ pts (nominally)
OC:2NT 5+ clubs, 5+ diamonds 6-7 (non-vul) or 7-8 (vul) tricks
OC:3C/D/H/S (5)6+ cards, good suit 6-7 (non-vul) or 7-8 (vul) tricks

Over Strong NT:

Overcaller Bids Description Value
OC:double semi-balanced with source of 7 tricks 15+ HCPs (nominally)
OC:2C/D/H/S (5)6+ cards, good suit 5-6 (non-vul) or 6-7 (vul) tricks
OC:2NT 5+ clubs, 5+ diamonds 5-6 (non-vul) or 6-7 (vul) tricks
OC:3C/D/H/S (5)6+ cards, good suit 6-7 (non-vul) or 7-8 (vul) tricks