Simple Overcall
Overcall with 1-Level Suit
- 5+ card suit (generally)
- 8-16 pts
- 4 card suit
- very good suit
- length in opener's suit
- often: lead directional
- Bid Strong Double w/ 17+ pts
Overcall with 2-Level Suit (no jump)
Overcall Guidelines:
- +2 pts per higher level
- add 1 or 2 pts if responder must bid at next level
- add 1 or 2 pts if vulnerable
- agressive with favorable vulnerability
Responses by Advancer:
- Raise
- Bids:
- minimum: single raise
- limit (invitational): cue bid opener's suit
- preemptive: double raise
- First obligation - raise partner's suit with support (see below)
- Remember - partner often has less than opening hand
- NoTrump
- Must have stopper in opponent's suit(s)
- Use as contructive response, not to just show no
support for partner
- New Suit
- Use as contructive response, not to just show no
support for partner
- Do not rescue partner (with no support) with a weak
hand and mediocre suit
| |
Responses: pass
Responder Bids
| Description
| Value
| 0+ card support
| no constructive bid
Responses: raises
Responder Bids
| Description
| Value
R:2 suit (raise)
| 3+ card support
| 5-9 pts
R:3 suit (raise)
| 3+ card support
| 7-11 pts
R:3 suit (jump raise)
| 4+ card support, preemptive
| 4-7 pts
R:4 suit (game raise)
| 4+ card support, preemptive
| 8-11 pts
R:suit (cue)
| 3+ card support (limit raise)
| 10-14 pts
R:suit (cue, game rebid)
| (3)4+ card support
| 15+ pts
Responses: bid NT
Responder Bids
| Description
| Value
| constructive with stopper
| 8-10 HCPs
| invitational with stopper
| 11-12 HCPs
| stopper
| 13-18 HCPs
Responses: bid new suit
Responder Bids
| Description
| Value
R:1 suit (new)
| 5+ cards, no support
| 7-12 pts
R:2 suit (new)
| (5)6+ cards, no support
| 9-12 pts
R:3 suit (new)
| 6+ cards, no support
| 13-15 pts
R:2/3suit (cue, new suit)
| 6+ cards, no support
| 15+ pts