- Good defensive card play often involves creating and taking
a trick or tricks before declarer can create extra tricks
and take them. This often requires an attacking lead.
- The best opening lead is often a choice between a safe lead
(do not give declarer an extra trick) verses an attacking lead
(create an extra trick for the defense).
- The worse lead is to play A's and K's that win tricks but
make declarers Q's and J's the high cards so that they can
then win tricks.
- Save unsupported A's and K's to gain the lead so that you
can take the winning trick that you have created in
another suit.
- However, on occasion it is right to lead and win unsupported
high cards.
- Declarer may create or have winners in a long suit. Declarer
may never lead the suit where you have an A and you may
never get a chance to win a trick with that A.
Against NoTrump Contracts
- Lead of an honor
- General meaning: shows touching sequence
- solid: AKQx+ (lead K, see "Specific meaning" for lead of A)
- solid: KQJx+ (lead K)
- solid: QJTx+ (lead Q)
- semi-solid: AKJx+ (lead K, see "Specific meaning" for lead of A)
- semi-solid: KQTx+ (lead K)
- semi-solid: QJ9x+ (lead Q)
- Specific meaning:
- A: requests a count signal
- K: requests an attitude signal
- Q: unblock J (KQ10x*) or signal attitude
- Lead of low card from suit with honor
- lead 4th best card in suit
- K9752 (lead 5)
- A952 (lead 2)
- K93 (lead 3, if this is best suit to lead)
- Lead of high card from suit without honor
- 752 (lead 7)
- 9752 (lead 7)
- 97542 (lead 7)
- Guidelines:
- Lead of touching honor is usually a safe as well as an attacking lead.
- The 4th best lead from honor is typically the best lead against a
NoTrump contract. However, this lead can give declarer an extra
trick. The value of this lead is to create 1 or 2 or more tricks
for the defense even if you give declarer an extra trick.
- When declarer is strong and dummy is weak, a safe lead may be best.
- Lead of a suit without an honor is generally a safe lead.
Against Suit Contracts
- Lead of an honor
- General meaning: shows touching long (same as NoTrump Contract)
or short (examples below) sequence.
- AKx+ (lead A)
- KQx+ (lead K)
- QJx+ (lead Q)
- Specific meaning: requests an attitude signal
- A: generally looking for Q or potential ability to ruff
in partner's hand
- K: generally looking for A, J, or potential ability to ruff
- Q: generally looking for K, T, or potential ability to ruff
- Lead of low card from suit with honor
- lead 4th best card in suit
- K9752 (lead 5)
- A952 (lead 2)
- K93 (lead 3, if this is best suit to lead)
- Lead of card from suit without honor
- Choices: confirm choice with partner
- low - denies shortness, but implies an honor (official SAYC agreement)
- 432 (lead 2)
- 5432 (lead 2)
- high - denies honor, but implies shortness
- 432 (lead 4)
- 5432 (lead 5)
- mud - denies shortness, denies honor, but hard to read until
suit is lead a 2nd time (recommended)
- 432 (lead 3, next play 4)
- 5432 (lead 4, next play 5)
- Guidelines:
- Lead of a long sequence touching honor is usually a safe as well
as an attacking lead.
- Lead of a short sequence touching honor is more risky, but
it may be the only way to set up an extra trick for defense.
- The 4th best lead from honor is more risky against a Suit Contract.
The tricks you set up may not be winable as declarer may ruff
them with long trumps.
- Lead of a suit without an honor is generally a safe lead. At
a Suit Contract, an attacking lead may be critical.
- When the auction suggest that both declarer and dummy will have
extra trumps, declarer's plan may be to ruff tricks in both
hands (a cross-ruff). Lead a trump to reduce the effectiveness
of a cross-ruff.
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