Duplicate Scoring

Georgia Tech Bridge Club

Scoring Table

Declaring Pair Score:   making the contract

  • Score: Trick plus Bonus Value
  • Chart - Part Score Made
  • Chart - Game/Slam Score Made
  • Chart - Contract Defeated

    Trick value:

    Only score points for tricks made after the first 6. Include all tricks:   tricks won to make your contract and overtricks.

    ContractTrick value
    Minor suits - clubs or diamonds   20 points per trick
    Major suits - hearts or spades30 points per trick
    Notrump40 points for first trick
    Notrump30 points per additional trick    

    Bonus value:

    • Partscore Contract
      Contract             Bonus Value                
      Normal50 points
      Doubledadditional 50 points
      Redoubledadditional 100 points

    • Game Contract
      Contract             Bonus Value                
      Non-vulnerable300 points
      vulnerable500 points

    • Small Slam Contract
      Contract             Bonus Value                
      Non-vulnerable500 points
      Vulnerable750 points

    • Grand Slam Contract
      Contract             Bonus Value                
      Non-vulnerable1000 points
      Vulnerable1500 points

    Defending Pair Score:   defeating the contract

    Score: value based on number tricks declarer makes below contract

    • Non-vulnerable Contract:
      Contract           Undertrick Value                        
      Normal50 points per trick
      Doubled100 points for first trick
      Doubled200 points for additional tricks
      Redoubled200 points for first trick
      Redoubled400 points for additional tricks

    • Vulnerable Contract:
      Contract           Undertrick Value                        
      Normal100 points per trick
      Doubled200 points for first trick
      Doubled300 points for additional tricks
      Redoubled400 points for first trick
      Redoubled600 points for additional tricks