SAYC Yellow Jacket

Bridge Notes

Defender Play


  • The techniques used by declarer also apply to the defenders.
  • The difference is that the two defenders must choose their cards without any verbal or physical (e.g. hand) signals to communicate with their partner.
  • Also, the defenders cannot see the cards in their partner's hand. They can see the cards in dummy and that provides some help.
  • The defenders are allowed to play their cards in a pattern that will communicate some information to aid in the defense winning tricks.

Guidelines:  general

  • Second-hand Low
    • The defender who plays immediately after the lead of a card by declarer is refereed to as the "second-hand".
    • Recall the finess technique used by declarer.
    • Declarer would like to know if the second-hand has the target card. Therefore, the second-hand should play a low card to keep declarer guessing.
    • While declarer is not always planning a finess, it is usually a good play for second-hand to play low.
  • Exceptions to "Second-hand Low"
    • When second hand has a solid sequence (KQx, QJTx, etc.), it is often correct to play one of the cards in the sequence to promote the other cards.
    • When declarer leads an honor, it is sometime correct to cover declarer's honor card with a higher honor card. Recall examples in the finess technique discussion.
    • Even, these guideline exceptions have exceptions. You should study these exceptions when you gain more experience.